Sunday, December 17, 2006

10 things you never knew about Silda Wall Spitzer

photo courtesty of SpitzerBlog
AlbanyTimes Union
1. HOW SHE MET ELIOT SPITZER: On a ski weekend with Harvard Law School friends who shared a house he rented near Mount Snow, Vt. He taught her to ski
2. WHAT SHE SEES IN HIM: "He's fun and engaging and smart, open to new ideas and interested in what other people are doing. He's one of the most enjoyable people to be around, which has something to do with why I intend to spend the rest of my life with him."
3. HER PERFECT DATE NIGHT: "We used to like to go out to dinner and a concert or a play, but it's becoming so rare that when we get a few hours together, we just stay at home, rent a movie and watch it with our daughters."
4. THINGS THEY DO AS A FAMILY: "We play sports in the fields at our house in Columbia County. The girls ride bikes or play with friends that they bring along. Eliot goes running with our girls. He likes to grill a lot when we're up there. He's quite proud that he can do a perfect baked potato on the grill."
5. HOW SHE SPENDS ALONE TIME: "I like to paint, primarily landscapes. I pick places that have a personal meaning to me. I don't show and haven't sold any. I'm on the Grandma Moses plan. One day, perhaps."
6. WHAT SHE DOES FOR FUN: "I'm in two book clubs. It's a very eclectic reading list, primarily contemporary fiction. I read heavily among the classics as an English literature major in college. Reading is something I have to do. It helps me learn and grow."
7. SPECIAL TIME WITH HER DAUGHTERS: "I read aloud all the Harry Potter books with them. We read on the road a lot during long drives, so Eliot got to hear a lot of Harry Potter."
8. A SECRET ABOUT ELIOT: "Eliot and his family have a fascinating way of eating chicken. When they're done, there's a nice pile of clean bones. There is no waste. It's a beautiful thing to watch."
9. HER SOUTHERNER'S TAKE ON NEW YORK CITY: "The great thing about New York is that its culture welcomes people to come to express themselves and become the most creative and entrepreneurial they can be."
10. HER FASHION SENSE: "Shopping for clothes is not my favorite thing to do. Our lives are so busy, I get what I need. I was wearing a coat the other day that happened to be designer. I got a compliment on it and I was happy to say it's three years old and I got it for 50 percent off."
-- Paul Grondahl
Silda is going to make a wonderful First Lady for New York...Eliot is one very lucky guy...andy

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