Wednesday, December 13, 2006

ALBANY AGENDA: Spitzer's opportunity As governor, he's positioned to set the state's environmental agenda

Newsday Editorial

"The Eliot Spitzer who takes the oath of office as governor in January is the same Eliot Spitzer who has used his clout as New York attorney general to bring lawsuit after lawsuit, often against the federal government, on environmental issues. Now, he can set the agenda, instead of having to sue someone else for failing to do the right thing.But Spitzer will be governor, not king. He'll have to work with the State Legislature, which has done some good on some issues but dodged others. That work must include wooing the Republican-controlled Senate, a good partner with the Assembly in some areas but a foot-dragger in others." you tell me Spitzer won't be king.......for the rest of this editorial click here ...........andy

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