Thursday, December 07, 2006

Group Seeks Benefit Raise for the Jobless

New York Times

"With New York’s insurance fund out of the red for the first time in several years, a pro-labor organization called on Governor-elect Eliot Spitzer yesterday to raise unemployment benefits to levels offered in neighboring states.
As the cost of living in New York rose, the Pataki administration resisted efforts to permanently raise contributions from employers in order to increase the size of the fund or benefits, according to the group, the National Employment Law Project. "

"About 400,000 New Yorkers who received unemployment benefits during the 12-month period that ended on Sept. 30 got maximum weekly benefits of $405 — 28 percent of the average worker’s paycheck — compared with $521 in New Jersey, $465 in Connecticut, $497 in Pennsylvania and $528 in Massachusetts. The report calls for a rise in benefits to a maximum of $500 a week, and suggests that employers pay tax on a greater amount of workers’ wages. That figure, the report says, should grow with inflation."

Why is it Republicans always seem to err on the side of business????

for the rest of this article click here andy

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