Wednesday, December 06, 2006

NY pols look for closer Spitzer ties (or Eliot heads to Washington DC)

Newsday Washington Bureau

"WASHINGTON - In the six years Steve Israel has been in Congress, he said, he saw Gov. George Pataki only once at a delegation meeting of Empire State lawmakers

"It's good to have a governor's office in Washington that's helpful. It's better to have a presence by the governor himself."

'Israel said the governor-elect had pledged a "very strong and proactive relationship" with the delegation."We talked in specifics, we discussed the importance of working with members through their specific committees," said Israel, who sits on the financial services panel Today, Spitzer will meet on Capitol Hill with New York members of Congress. And with the passing of the governor's mansion in Albany from Pataki, a Republican, to Spitzer, a Democrat, Democratic lawmakers say they expect a much better working relationship with the state's chief executive."

Spitzer will make it his business to be in Washington.........working with our New York Congressional Delegation....unlike the "no show" Pataki who basically left the dirty work to Clinton and Schumer....... for the rest of this article click here andy

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