Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This stone is still left unturned

Times Union Fred LeBrun

"Eliot Spitzer won't be governor for another month, but you wouldn't know that from the headaches and intractables piling up on his gubernatorial desk.

Today we are supposed to hear his strategy for dealing with Comptroller Alan Hevesi's remarkably well-known ethical conflicts. Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court handed Eliot a nasty issue to resolve concerning the Oneidas and Turning Stone Casino.
The high court refused to hear the Oneidas' appeal of a state court decision against them. The state Court of Appeals had ruled that the gambling compact between the Oneidas and the state was invalid because the Legislature never ratified it."

Fred...here is a newsflash for you...Pataki is still Govenor....George is the one that has been doing all the dodging..hoping to get out of town fast and leaving the mess for Spitzer to deal with..and you don't want to be putting people out of work either...law or no law..you have to weigh the financial consequences to families that are employed by this casino..... click here for the rest of the commentary....andy

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