Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mid Day Delights

Newsday has Eliot Steamrolling Right Along "Gov. Eliot Spitzer said this morning that his buddies had given him mementos of his famous “steamroller” quote.“Friends of mine have sent me little steamrollers in the past couple of days,” he said, adding, “matchbox size, by the way.” Spitzer was speaking to reporters after a meeting with the Partnership for New York City in Manhattan.Spitzer had described himself as a “steamroller” who would roll over anyone in his way.He said today he was referring to a James Taylor tune about steamrollers, which he said was "one of my favorite songs." Hell I would buy a Spitzer "steamroller" t shirt and wear it to go vote today :-) and Joe Bruno grabs a free union "pen" Is A Pen OK? sure...as long as the unions don't write big campaign checks with them...........and Tom DiNapoli is going to be our next state comptroller Comptroller’s Election Nears .....i have one word for this...yesssssssssssssssssssssssss..............I am going to cover this ..in another blog entry........andy

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