Tuesday, April 24, 2007

College poll: Spitzer’s ratings head back up

Governor Eliot Spitzer’s favorability and job performance ratings have begun to rebound since the enactment of the state budget, while Senator Hillary Clinton’s favorability rating and presidential electoral support continue to erode, according to a new Siena (College) Research Institute poll of registered New York voters released Monday.
The new Siena poll also shows that New Yorkers are divided over whether the enacted budget was good or bad for the people of the state, while they overwhelmingly believe that the budget demonstrates that things in Albany have pretty much stayed the same, despite the Governor’s vow that ‘everything changes on Day 1.’
Clinton was viewed favorably by 50 percent of voters and unfavorably by 42 percent. Last month her favorability rating was 56-37 percent. Senator Barack Obama’s favorability rating is 55-23 percent. And Senator John Edwards has a 52-29 percent favorability rating.
In the Democratic primary Clinton gets 39 percent to 17 percent for Obama, 12 percent for Al Gore, 11 percent for Edwards, and single digits for the other candidates. In the Republican primary, Giuliani gets 47 percent to 16 percent for Sen. John McCain and single digits for the other candidates.
Three in 10 voters said that the recently passed state budget was good for the people and 27 percent said it was bad, while 14 percent volunteered it was mixed. When asked who the biggest winner was in the budget battle, 26 percent said special interest groups, 23 percent said the Governor, eight percent said the Senate and six percent said the Assembly. While only 23 percent said that the budget demonstrates that things in Albany ‘have dramatically changed,’ 62 percent said that it demonstrates that things in Albany have ‘pretty much stayed the same.’
(EmpireStateNews.net) and......

Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s favorability ratings have rebounded a bit since the state budget was completed, according to a Siena Research Institute poll out this morning.
Sixty seven percent of respondents this month said they have a favorable rating of the governor, while 20 percent were unfavorable and 13 percent didn’t know. That’s up from the 62-20-18 percent breakdown last month but not quite as high as January, when 75 percent offered a favorable view, with 10 percent unfavorable and 16 percent not knowing.
Moreover, the Democratic governor still does well with Republicans, with 60 percent offering a favorable rating, said poll spokesman Steve Greenberg.
“His favorability rating is at least 65 percent in every region of the state,'’ said Greenberg who added that 55 percent of those polled said Spitzer is doing a “good'’ or ‘’excellent'’ job.
Meanwhile Hillary Clinton has slipped, with her favorability rating going to 50 percent, with 42 percent unfavorable, compared to last month when it was 57-37 percent.That’s the lowest level in more than two years of Siena’s New York Poll, Greenberg noted, adding “the fall in her rating has been dramatic since January when she had a 60-33 favorability rating.
(Capitol Confidential) .

So when the dust finally settled......Eliot is still getting the respect he deserves for taking on the special interests and starting New York back on the path to prosperity.............andy

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